Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing


First let us understand what is Marketing, Marketing is the fundamental method to grab the customer’s attention to our Business for growth and also to create awareness in customers\Consumers\Audience about our variety of products\Services. Earlier we were using traditional method of marketing, when we were not having internet, these are the few methods of traditional method of marketing to Advertisement in TV, Radio, Magazine, Newspapers and Putting Banner Advertisement.

Digital Marketing is using the internet we are marketing examples are face Book, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Many More. Present Business Growth uses both and traditional and Digital plat from both for Business Growth, As still we have traditional methods are in growth path depends on age group and Digital Platform is used by most of the youngsters and working professionals, Now it is very crucial to confirm which is the Best method for Marketing their Business Growth, As Many Others points also Depends on this, What kind of Business we are Rub matters to reach the correct Audience.

Traditional Marketing:

Marketing can done without using the internet, we are using this method in almost all business more than a decade and marketing firms still uses this for Business growth.

The following are the few marketing Methods are in use-

  • Telephone calls and Text Messages
  • News papers and Magazines
  • Television and Commercial Ads
  • Book Posting Post card
  • Banners and Bill boards in Prime locations

The Business growth or offer will advertised using the above method and end consumers will attracted by these methods and also marketing will happen from mouth and mouth. Currently this kind of marketing is useful in attracting the consumers of above 50 years and more, where in they are keen in watching the TV and news paper, It also helps people who want to Grow the business starts up at local and get identified in local area. Also the advantage of traditional marketing is, the Ads can be repeatedly played during the Given time and also can be set to prime time, where in viewers will be more, All these Ads can’t be skipped.

Digital Marketing:

In Recent years the use of Internet is increased due to Rapid increase of Smart phone usage in every home from youngsters to Old people. By using the Internet we can do the marketing very quickly by sitting at any location of the world.

We can also the following methods where in people use this on daily basis-

  • Social Media posts
  • Website Content
  • Clickable Ads
  • Search Engine Tools
  • Based on locations and Interests
  • Can target based on Demography and Area wise( in case of both Local Business)

The Use of Internet in marketing will help Business to See Quick Results with Cost Effectiveness, This is the Prime Advantage of Digital Marketing. We can also Reach the correct Audience Globally by sitting at any remote location and Can target the Right Audience depends on interest. We can also target those Audience who are interested, But Still not converted, This helps us to understand the consumer’s interests and will intern help in Business Growth.

Comparison between

Traditional Marketing & Digital Marketing

   Traditional MarketingDigital MarketingCriterion
Not EasyPossibleTracking
Manual Tracking and lengthy ProcessResults Can be Tracked EasilyResults
Can reach only local ConsumersGlobally based on RequirementsReach
It is most Effective Way of Communication(one way)The communication happens on Digital plat form(two way Communication)Communication
Slow and Manual trackingFast and can be trackedConversion
Not Easy to Measure and TrackEasy to Measure and Keep the track with simple ClicksInvestment VS Results Tracking
More Cost Involved compared to Digital marketingLess Costs compared to Traditional MethodsCost Comparison
Not easy and high Cost involvedis possible as marketing happens on Digital plat formTweaking
Time Taking JobHelps Quickly in Brand BuildingBrand Building
one way communication, very Difficult to know your consumersHelps to know the consumer requirements because of two way communicationknow your Consumer
Very Difficult to be online all the timeAlways online  24\7Depends up on customer Interests


Marketing is the key for any Starts up or Business company, Digital Marketing is also a part of Marketing, it can be achieved only any one method, it requires both Traditional and Digital method for business stabilization and growth. It also Depends on the company requirements and targeted goals to achieve business in which method also matters. In today’s Dynamic Business Environment hybrid approach which combines the strength of both Traditional and Digital Marketing for key success in Business. Adapting the changing Preference on Right time and right approach to consumers by Analyzing the market will help Business Growth, The Choice of Traditional and Digital Methods depends up on The factors like location, Target Audience and nature of product that is being Promoted or service being Promoted.